Team Roles and Permissions
  • 14 Jun 2024
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Team Roles and Permissions

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Article summary

Team Roles

Member: View/edit their own expenses, no budgeting, CSV exports only
Manager: View/edit all expenses, create shared reports, view/edit budget, all exports
Admin: All of the above, invite users, change user roles (except for other admins/owner), & modify workspace settings

Generally, workspaces will have their own vendors, categories, payment methods, and teams. This will help you decide if you need multiple workspaces or one workspace to manage data.

The following will always be shared in the workspace:

  • Categories
  • Vendors
  • Clients
  • Saved locations (Trips)

Manage and Invite Users

There are several ways to access the "Manage and Invite Users" screen:

Manage Users Screenshot.png

From the Dashboard

  1. Tap "Dashboard"
  2. Tap "Manage Users"

From Settings

  1. Tap the gear icon (top left)
  2. Tap "Workspace"
  3. Select your workspace (top right)
  4. Tap "Manage and Invite Users"

From the Workspaces tab

  1. Tap the Workspace (top right)
  2. Tap "Settings"
  3. Select your workspace (top right)
  4. Tap "Manage and Invite Users"

To change a user's role

  1. Tap "Manage and Invite Users"
  2. Tap the user
  3. Select their role

To remove a user from the workspace

  1. Tap "Manage and Invite Users"
  2. Tap the user
  3. Tap "Disable User"

Disabling a user will remove them from your workspace. This will not remove the data they have added to your workspace.

To make workspace "members" only see their own payment methods
Members will see all payment methods in the workspace by default. However, you can change this in the workspace settings.

  1. Tap the gear icon (top-left)
  2. Tap "Workspace"
  3. Tap "Hide Payment Methods"
  4. Tap True

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