Email Inbox Scanning
  • 03 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Email Inbox Scanning

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Article summary

Our scanner automatically imports your email receipts into Easy Expense for review. Future emails are imported as they're received and rarely may take up to 24 hours. Imported transactions are not in your workspace yet until they are saved.

Supported Email Providers: Google Mail (Gmail)

For non-Gmail users, create a separate Gmail account to link and forward receipts to it for scanning. Or use email receipt forwarding.

To Link a Gmail account (Demo)

  1. Tap the gear icon (top-left)
  2. Tap "Connected Accounts"
  3. Tap "Sync Email Receipts"
  4. Tap "Sign in with Google"

After linking, it should say "Pending" and then "Active" for a successful link.

Reviewing Email Transactions (Full Guide)

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab
  2. Tap the "New Transactions" section
  3. Look for an email icon under the vendor name, which indicates an email transaction
  4. Make any changes as desired
  5. Tap "Save"

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