Change Workspace Settings
  • 14 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Change Workspace Settings

  • Dark

Article summary

From the workspace settings, you can:

  • Manage and invite users to the workspace
  • Change default currency
  • Change distance unit
  • Change date format
  • Toggle transaction number
  • Hide payment methods from workspace team "members"
  • Leave the workspace

To Access Workspace Settings

  1. Tap the Workspaces tab (top right)
  2. Tap "Settings"

Change Workspace Currency

Changing your Workspace currency will set the default currency for all workspaces and all transactions within the Workspace.

To Change Currency

  1. Select the Workspace
  2. Tap "Settings"
  3. Tap "Currency"
  4. Select the desired currency

Leave a Workspace

From the workspace settings, tap "Leave Workspace."

When you leave a Workspace, you will lose access to all data within that workspace

If a team user leaves a Workspace, they will be disabled from that workspace and lose access. Data will not be affected for admins or other members of the workspace.

To Restore a Workspace

If you accidentally leave a workspace, contact in app support to restore your workspace.

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