Enabling Tax Rates
  • 11 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Enabling Tax Rates

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Article summary

With tax rates enabled, you can track the tax amount for expenses.

For calculations, the tax amount is included in the total amount. For example, if the total amount is $110 with a 10% tax rate, the tax amount will be $10.

Disabled/hidden tax rates are still factored into the tax amount, so be sure to set the rate to 0% if you no longer need it.

Mobile App

To enable or change the tax rate(s)

  1. Tap the gear icon (top-left)

  2. Tap “Workspace Settings”

  3. Tap to enable the desired tax fields (up to 2)

  4. Enter the tax name and rate

  5. Tap “Save”

To disable the tax rate(s)

  1. Tap the gear icon (top-left)

  2. Tap “Workspace Settings”

  3. Tap the enabled tax field

  4. Set the tax rate to 0% (to completely turn it off)

  5. Tap “Disable”

  6. Tap “Save”

Web App

To enable or change the tax rate(s)

  1. Click “Settings

  2. Check “Enable Sales Tax” & “Enable Additional Sales tax” as desired

  3. Enter the tax rate names and rates

  4. Click outside the input field to save the changes

To disable the tax rate(s)

  1. Click “Settings

  2. Scroll down to “Enable Sales Tax”

  3. Set the tax rate(s) to 0% (to completely turn it off)

  4. Uncheck the “Additional Sales Tax Rate”

  5. Uncheck the “Enable Sales Tax”

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