Search Bar & Filters
  • 21 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Search Bar & Filters

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Article summary

Find transactions faster using the search bar or transaction filters. Scroll through the filter tabs below the search bar to explore filter options.

Navigate to the "Transactions" tab to see your full list of income and expenses added to the Workspace. You can organize your transactions by adding a workspace or creating custom reports.

Available Search Terms

From the transactions tab you can search for transactions by:

  • Transaction name
  • Date
  • Category title
  • Value
  • Client name (for income)
  • Vendor name (for expenses)

Clear the search term by tapping the "X" at the right side of the search bar.

Available Filters

Under the search bar you will see a horizontal list of filter options. Scroll through this list and tap the filter to sort your transactions by:

  • User: Filter for transactions added by team members
  • Report: Filter for transactions within a specified report
  • Category: Filter by expense category
  • Payment Method: Filter by cash, linked bank accounts, or added payment methods
  • Income Type: Filter by income category
  • Client: Filter income by assigned client
  • Attachment: Filter for transactions that have an attachment added (eg. a scanned receipt or uploaded photo)

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