Reviewing Imported Transactions
  • 03 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Reviewing Imported Transactions

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Article summary

After linking a bank account or Gmail, transactions can be reviewed from the "Transactions" tab ➜ "New Transactions". Transactions in review must be saved to appear in the workspace or exports.


When Do New Transactions Appear?

  • Bank transactions will appear within 1-2 days after being posted in the bank (no longer pending) and rarely, may take up to 7 days. As only 500 transactions are loaded at a time, please review more transactions if new ones are not appearing. Customer support can also clear up to a certain date of transactions for you.
  • Gmail (email receipts) are synced after receiving them or after 24 hours.
  • Email receipt forwarding are synced within a few minutes after sending them. A success email will be sent to you.


How to Review Transactions

  1. Tap the "Transactions" or "Dashboard" tab
  2. Tap the "New Transactions" section
  3. Tap any field to make any changes or attach receipts as desired
  4. Tap "Save" to save the transaction OR
    b. Tap "Skip" to go to the next transaction OR
    c. Tap "Delete" to delete the transaction from review
  • Any changes (includes images) will be discarded after leaving the review, unless the transaction is saved.

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