Manage Vendors
  • 31 Oct 2024
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Manage Vendors

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Article summary

Adding a Vendor

Mobile App

To add a new vendor through the Quick Scan UI

  1. Tap the blue "Scan" button

  2. Scan a receipt until the receipt preview appears

  3. Tap the current vendor

  4. IMG_2934 1.pngTap "Add New Vendor"

  5. Enter a vendor name

  6. Tap "Save"

To add a new vendor when editing an expense

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab

  2. Tap any expense

  3. Screenshot_2024-10-23-10-11-14-969_com.easyexpense.jpgTap the current vendor

  4. Screenshot_2024-10-28-08-50-48-799_com.easyexpense.jpgTap “Add New Vendor”

  5. Enter a vendor name

  6. Tap "Save"  

Web App

To add a new vendor when adding a new expense

  1. Open the web app

  2. Click on “Transactions”

  3. Click on “Add transaction”

  4. Type the new of the new vendor. It should show a “New” text

  5. Fill out the transaction fields as desired

  6. Click on “Save Expense”

To add a new vendor when editing an expense

  1. Open the web app

  2. Click on “Transactions”

  3. Select the transaction you want to edit

  4. Type the new of the new vendor. It should show a “New” text

  5. Fill out the transaction fields as desired

  6. Click on “Save Expense”

Editing a Vendor

Mobile App

To edit a vendor through the Quick Scan UI

  1. Tap the blue "Scan" button

  2. Scan a receipt until the receipt preview appears

  3. Tap the current vendor

    IMG_2934 1.png

  4. Tap “Edit”

  5. Tap the ">" symbol to the right of the vendor to edit it

  6. Tap “Save”

To edit a vendor when editing an expense

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab

  2. Tap any expense


  3. Tap the current vendor

  4. Screenshot_2024-10-28-08-50-48-799_com.easyexpense.jpgTap “Edit” (bottom right)

  5. Tap the ">" symbol to the right of the vendor to edit it

  6. Tap “Save”

Web App

At the moment, this feature is only available through our Mobile App

Deleting a Vendor

When deleting a vendor, the vendor will be deleted from all expenses that have that vendor. There is no confirmation when deleting a vendor or the ability to restore a vendor.

Mobile App

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab

  2. Tap any expense


  1. Tap the current vendor


  1. Tap “Edit”

  2. Tap the trashcan icon next to the vendor you want to delete

  3. Tap “Done”

Web App

At the moment, this feature is only available through our Mobile App

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