Manage Clients
  • 17 May 2024
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Manage Clients

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Article summary

Adding a Client

To add a new client from the filter tab

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab
  2. Scroll through the filter list (below search bar) to find "All Clients"
  3. Tap the filter
  4. Tap "Add Client"
  5. Enter a client name
  6. Tap "Save"

To add a new client when adding a new income

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab
  2. Tap "Add Transaction"
  3. Tap "Income"
  4. Tap "Add Client"
  5. Enter a client name
  6. Tap "Save"

To add a new client when editing an existing income

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab
  2. Tap any existing income
  3. Tap the client name
  4. Tap "Add Client"
  5. Enter a client name
  6. Tap "Save"

Editing a Client

To edit a client from the filter tab

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab
  2. Scroll through the filter list (below search bar) to find "All Clients"
  3. Tap the filter
  4. Tap "Edit"
  5. Tap the ">" next to the client you want to edit
  6. Update the client info
  7. Tap "Save"

To edit a client when adding a new income

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab
  2. Tap "Add Transaction"
  3. Tap "Income"
  4. Tap "Edit"
  5. Tap the ">" next to the client you want to edit
  6. Update the client info
  7. Tap "Save"

To edit a client on an existing income

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab
  2. Tap any existing income
  3. Tap the client name
  4. Tap "Edit"
  5. Tap the ">" next to the client you want to edit
  6. Update the client info
  7. Tap "Save"

Deleting a Client

When deleting a client, the client will be deleted from all logged income transaction that have that client. The transactions will not be deleted, but will change to "Unknown Client".

Be careful when deleting clients as there is no confirmation when deleting and no ability to restore clients.

To delete a client from the filter tab

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab
  2. Scroll through the filter list (below search bar) to find "All Clients"
  3. Tap the filter
  4. Tap "Edit"
  5. Tap the trash can next to the client you want to delete

To delete a client when adding a new income

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab
  2. Tap "Add Transaction"
  3. Tap "Income"
  4. Tap "Edit"
  5. Tap the trash can next to the client you want to delete

To delete a client on an existing income

  1. Tap the "Transactions" tab
  2. Tap any existing income
  3. Tap the client name
  4. Tap "Edit"
  5. Tap the trash can next to the client you want to delete

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